Aug 4, 2023Liked by Arny Trezzi

I think we will see some exciting news in the next 2 conference calls. I have conviction in the stock because they are the only company to provide their specific solution. It's difficult to call this capability something other than Palantir. Only a few will understand the value of bringing together disparate data sets to generatively provide valuable insights, that only Palantir can provide, without seeing it live and that's probably not going to happen soon. These use cases are highly contextual. They are changing the way hospitals are managed as we speak. We will eventually find the right analog. The iphone? Maybe. If the iphone were adopted 5 times faster? or 3 or 8? What is a capability that is a "must have" capability, that cannot be explained to people outside of a business. Personally I'd give it the Charlie Munger term - "is mispriced bet." This is where we are right now, it will start to explode upward one of the next three earnings calls. That's when it's an iphone moment, not until then. In years to come it will be called a Palantir moment. This thing that is happening with this offering in this market has no precedent. Be patient. But don't lose out thinking this is going to be just like something we've seen before. It clearly is not.

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Thank you for your comment, Jim.

I agree, this is the moment where it seems stars are aligning perfect. Now execution time!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Arny Trezzi

If you hate the stock so much why do you follow it with a stupid blog?

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Dear Fuk,



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Dear Arny, you are a faggot.

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