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Hi, I am Arny 👋
I am a full-time investor and a former equity research analyst.
Palantir Bullets will help you spot asymmetries between perception and reality on Palantir Technologies (PLTR).
Every week you will receive a free weekly update on Palantir’s developments and occasionally in-depth research on Palantir’s financials; strategy; valuation.
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References on my work:
Shyam Sankar (Palantir CTO)
Louis Mosley ( Palantir Head of UK)
Joe Lonsdale (Palantir Co-Founder, 8VC Managing Partner)
Chamath Palihapitiya (Social Capital CEO)
Tom Lee, CFA (Fundstrat Head of Research)
Owen O’Brien (Palantir employee, Strategic Accounts)
Paul Carrington (Palantir employee, Strategic Accounts)
Wendy R. Anderson (Palantir Senior VP of Federal, National Security)
- ( , leading Substack with +50k subscribers)
Fast Company (Online Media brand with ~2,2mn subs on X)
CJ Gustafson (Startup CFO,
Author, +30k subs)
OnlyCFO (Finance executive,
Author, +9k subs)
Rihard Jarc (Tech investor,
Author, ~27k subs on Twitter)
Maverick ER (Value & Growth Investor,

Palantir Vision (Palantir’s biggest dedicated channel with ~45k subs on YouTube)

Punch Card Investor (Investor working in PE,

Keith Fitz-Gerald (Investor and Analyst, 25k subscribers)
Compounding Quality ( 324k followers on X)
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Disclaimer & Disclosure
Palantir Bullets is not investment advice. Any assertions made in Palantir Bullets represent the author’s opinion. Arny Trezzi, Palantir Bullet’s author has shares in Palantir Technologies (NYSE: PLTR 0.00%↑ ) .