My Top Tweets 🐥:

Bank of America on $PLTR at $6:
"Buy Defence and get Commercial FOR FREE".
BofA is the only bank which sees beyond the "unprofitable growth tech" label.
Look beyond the surface 🥸

$PLTR's Skywise is the best example of what an open platform can achieve.
Born in 2017, Skywwise connects:
+140 airlines;
+10.000 aircraft;
+26.900 users using the platform.
More users = stronger network effects ⚙️⚙️⚙️
@PalantirTech @Airbus

$PLTR expands in Healthcare with a $443mn contract for 5y with @CDCgov.
Healthcare is @PalantirTech's second biggest vertical after Defence with ~17% of Revenues as of 221H.
Ready for the next one 🙃

$PLTR partners with Integrity Mold & Tool.
• multi-year, multi-million dollar deal;
• optimize factory operations, sales, product design;
• Integrity is SMALL: $170mn Revenues in '23.
@PalantirTech is going mass market 😃

$PLTR mood:
• at peak “SBC doesn’t matter;
• at bottom “SBC = uninvestable”
SBC matters, but FCF generation is king 👑

$PLTR is a Double-Edged Sword ⚔️
Quality of Government Revenues.
Exponentiality of Commercial growth.

$PLTR Karp on the stock:
"Wall Street is ignoring we are printing FCF, growing our client base, disrupting our markets, winning the best partners.
Of course markets shift.
I am very bullish on the long-term outlook of @PalantirTech."

" $PLTR puts our AI capabilities on steroids" - @GardaWorld CEO
The best marketing of all is happy customers 😊

My Articles ✍️:
My Videos/Mentions/Participations 🎥:
Not Financial Advice. I own (many) PLTR stocks.
Join me on:
Twitter: @arny_trezzi
Youtube: @Arny Investing
Join Emanuele20x on:
Twitter: @Emanuele20x
YouTube: @Emanuele20x
Awesome.. from one Pltr bull to another, TY!!!!!!
Another great analysis, Arny !! On average, when the media announes a mega deal for Palantir , such as the one with LMT or the NHS, how much of these jumbo deals are one off revenues, and how much is recurring revenues in the future? I am trying to understand when Palantir builds a software and delivers it to the client , is there a yearly charge for the client to keep using the software ? with gratitude